Monday, February 8, 2010

Blog #1, MEDP 160

Today, a lot of websites which allow us to interact with other people are showing up continuously, and everybody's attentions keep shifting from one the next. The best example is Myspace and Facebook. Only a couple years ago everyone used to have Myspace and used to play with it all the time: decorating backgrounds of their own pages, adding music or friends, and uploading photos. I was one of those people who was addicted to Myspace. Myspace, however, has now faded away and Facebook has taken over: everyone is on Facebook all the time, and nobody goes to Myspace anymore. It is now the Facebook age. I still have a Myspace page but barely check it. I visit Facebook more often, and it is the website that I most visit today. The reason is very simple: it is to keep in touch with all my friends, especially who live apart. Since I was born and raised in Japan, I have a lot of friends there. I have many friends in California as well because I used to live there. Facebook is the best way to be in touch with them, because I do not need to keep all of their contact information. In addition, you can upload pictures on Facebook, so that I can see how they are doing. At the same time, I can show all of my friends how I am doing at once: I do not need to send photos to all of my friends. This is very convenient. Even my parents in Tokyo have just started Facebook to see how I am in the States, since I do not send them any pictures of me at all, even though they ask me often to do so. For people who have many friends in far away places, like me, Facebook is very convenient. In addition, it is easy to access to Facebook. That is why I visit Facebook often, and I think that it is the best interactive-able website now, at least to me.

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