Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blog #5

I came a long way to finish this course since last semester when I took MEDP 150. what I had learned in MEDP 150 was basics, and 160 was more advanced based on that. MEDP160 was more interesting and I had more fun than in 150. However what I though is that we did not have enough time to work on every assignment: I was always running out of time to finish all projects, and I wish we had more time. But taking this course was now one of my good experiences in college. The most memorable thing in the class is the short film assignment. I never expected that this assignment would be so fun and interesting. What I learned from this assignment is planing everything before we actually start filming is important. My partner, Shawn, and I discussed a lot in class and planed everything out before we went to filming, so that everything went smooth in the filming. Just what I should have cared more was to hold a camera more stably, because we cannot do anything with shaky shots in editing. That is what I realized in the editing process. It was my first time to edit and use final cut. Once I got used to using final cut, it was easy. However, editing itself was very difficult and took a lot more time than I imagined. It was because that there are so many things that we should think about in terms of "continuity". If I cut a shot even a second earlier than it's supposed to be, the "continuity" will be gone, and it creates totally different feelings on the shot. It was interesting, but tiring at the same time. If we had more time to edit, I would edit sounds and put some music as well as putting a title in the beginning. It was the toughest assignment throughout this course, but I had so much fun overall.
Hopefully, I will extend what I learned in this course and continue studying it further.

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